Friday, February 12, 2010

Modern Prayer

I thought today I would blog a modern prayer, based on what most of us call: The prayer that Jesus taught us.

Dear God who surrounds us, we cherish you and creation...may your gatherings grow as your will is lived and breathed throughout the Universe. Please feed our souls and our bodies. Forgive us for what we do wrong, and help us learn to forgive ourselves and those who do wrong to us and others. Help us to stay away from temptations, and be strong when we must be subjected to them. We lift up your essence as powerful, with glory and honor, forever and ever, Amen.

1 comment:

Alex said...

While traditional prayers are wonderful, sometimes we get into a routine and don't even think about the words we are saying, or it's hard to know the exact meaning because the language is different. Making prayers more "modern" can help in redirecting it and make it more comprehensible and real.