Friday, February 19, 2010

What we pay attention to will grow...

From the Book: The Book Of Secrets, by Deepak Chopra:
Whatever we pay attention to will grow: this has a two-fold meaning. On a superficial level, lets look at a garden: one section has cucumbers and peppers planted, another has ragweed and dandelions. We will call these the good garden and the ugly garden. If we neglect the good garden and water the ugly garden, eventually it will overtake the good garden, and the ragweed and dandelions will spread to cover everything. If we Water the good garden and gently weed the ugly garden at the edge of the good...we will get a good crop from the good garden and the ugly garden will be kept at bay.
In our lives, if we pay attention to healthy living, spiritually and physically...spend time doing good deeds, and thinking healthy thoughts, and also spend time praying about our shortcomings and working to improve and remove obstacles (both internal and external)---The garden of our soul, bearing healthy fruit, will flourish and grow, and the ugliness of pain, suffering, and temptation will be kept at bay.
Pay attention to the good things. This does not mean ignore the bad still have to "pull the weeds" and work on improvements. But, if we obsess about our Anger, Guilt, Regret, etc... it will grow, especially if that obsession is fueling the fire, instead of concentration on putting the fire out.
Today's Blog is in very simple terms, perhaps a little choppy...but you get the point. Pour your energy into healthy living (spiritually and physically) and strive to do this in every waking moment.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love Never Fails

What if we were to think of actually being LOVE itself. We strive to be better, some of us even strive to be like Christ. We are told that God is Love, so only He can be perfect...but nothing can stop us from striving to be LOVE in the world. Don't you want to be described like this...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Modern Prayer

I thought today I would blog a modern prayer, based on what most of us call: The prayer that Jesus taught us.

Dear God who surrounds us, we cherish you and creation...may your gatherings grow as your will is lived and breathed throughout the Universe. Please feed our souls and our bodies. Forgive us for what we do wrong, and help us learn to forgive ourselves and those who do wrong to us and others. Help us to stay away from temptations, and be strong when we must be subjected to them. We lift up your essence as powerful, with glory and honor, forever and ever, Amen.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

My thoughts this week were contemplating the need to clean...not necessarily doing it, mind you, but feeling the NEED to clean. I have heard others talk about incessant cleaning with an obsession. Is this a bad thing?
For a moment, I would like to reflect upon B.F. Skinner and behavioral psychology...with a what if, statement:
What if the external cleaning of our environment was an expression of our desire to be clean on the inside? and conversely...what if our messy living space is reflecting the "chaos" of our life?
These are not always the case. So, don't look at your messy desk and assume that your life must be in chaos and need fixing. But open your eyes, and perhaps you will see: that which actually needs cleaning. If it is your life that needs some attention: do yourself a favor and pay attention to that aspect of your life TODAY...And, tomorrow you may find that the external mess around you begins to dissipate over time. In this way, there is some truth to "Cleanliness is next to godliness"...clean on the inside, and it will become much more natural to stay clean on the outside.
At least I hope house is a mess! hahaha
Dear God: help me this day to keep clean on the inside, so it might be a little easier to stay clean on the outside without an unhealthy obsession. Amen