Monday, January 11, 2010

Avatar : James Cameron's Pandora as spiritual inspiration for Humans

Lets all start this year by looking for ways to recognize that our neighbor (the person next to you in line, or in the car cutting you off), is another piece of this global consciousness, and we are part of ONE existence: bringing truth to the statement "treat others as you would like to be treated".  In many ways...when we are interacting with someone else; it is really just an outward manifestation of a part of ourselves..."the global consciousness...of humans, nature, and God"

I went to see Avatar and I can honestly say that it was moving on a spiritual level.  There have been several movies in the past which capture the fact that humans are depleting the resources of the universe for their own personal gain and gratification--much to their own future destruction. "The Day the Earth Stood Still," is one example with a clear message spelled out in the dialogue: in order to protect the Earth, humanoid aliens are going to destroy humanity to allow nature to flourish once again.  Extinction of humanity is not the answer we would like to consider, but instead for nature to flourish and the balance of life to be restored.
God gave us dominion over the animals of the earth and also the plants, trees, and fields.  Nature speaks to us, and provides for us as a liason between God and our bodies' nurishment.  The world of Pandora and the relationship the Na'vi have with the forces of nature is an amazing fantastical look at how we could interract with nature and each other.  For those of you who have seen the movie, Avatar shows a scene where all the citizens are "linked" with the tree of souls---and in doing so, are linked to each other AND the forces of nature, in addition to the souls which have passed on.  Isn't this a fantasy way of looking at "Global consciousness", "prayer", and "nirvana"?
We are all in this world together.  How wonderful it would be if our mental energies could be linked through global consciousness and prayer linked this connection with the consciousness of the divine: to allow humanity and nature to work as One Unit with a common goal. ... Harmony, peace, utopian society...
Part of our mission on earth, as spiritual beings, is to work towards peaceful existence and living a life as Christ...which is unatainable for imperfect humans, but nonetheless is our goal in life: to be the best we can be.
Can't we all just get along?  Lets all start this year by looking for ways to recognize that our neighbor (the person next to you in line, or in the car cutting you off), is another piece of this global consciousness, and we are part of ONE existence: bringing truth to the statement "treat others as you would like to be treated".  In many ways...when we are interacting with someone else; it is really just an outward manifestation of a part of ourselves..."the global consciousness...of humans, nature, and God"

Peace and love to you,

ps...leave comments and join / follow this blog


michellez said...

Very well said! I do find it frustrating how humans cannot seem to co-exist with nature in harmony. Instead, we're always destroying the natural world in the name of the economy and technology. Hopefully Avatar will awaken something in all of us.

Inspiration Austin said...

Thanks Michelle, it seems that the statements made in Hollywood fiction are having a much greater impact than...Al gore ever did with Inconvenient truth--which became required for some schools to watch...but didn't have has many viewers as AVATAR!!!!