Sunday, December 27, 2009

Exploring Your Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts: We all have different talents that can be used in glorifying the Creator. You could also look at this as: "what am I good at, that can be used to help others, church, or community?"
Cooking can be a gift--feeding homeless, potlucks and social food for church gatherings, feeding the shut-ins after illness or grief. Music, Teaching, Organizing...Writing letters, (blogs), Encouraging others, Making phone calls, Greeting people, Inviting others, working with children / adults / special needs... Even exercising can be considered a spiritual gift: you could use it to lead a team in raising money for a special cause. Then there are the more rare spiritual gifts, like the gift of healing: more than just a doctor--some people can actually chanel energy through their hands and promote healing in the body. I know this may sound strange: but when you are looking for your spiritual gift, there are forces at work far beyond the reaches of your imagination. God has a special need for something that ONLY YOU can contribute in your special way.

As we explore a spiritual journey, it is much like a baby in a new environment.  The senses are learning to be aware of surroundings, and everything seems new and interesting.  This reminds me of a new convert to christianity--so excited, and enthusiastic, but often so caught up in the new-ness that it can become a detraction from learning about the path of your soul.  I encourage you to take baby steps in this process---but hold on to your excitement: as if you are starting school, anxious to become a career hold on to that enthusiasm and pour it into your studies.
Pour your enthusiasm into prayer, and if you are lacking enthusiasm, pray to be filled with it over time!  God answers prayers!

Thank you for joining me in this process... see you next time.

Peace and love,


Unknown said...

Thanks for your perspective on SG. This has been a quandary for me for quite some time. I'm interested in starting a blog myself, as a way of expressing my faith. I'm not an evangelist in the conventional sense. I lack abilities in conversation (I never know what to say to people and don't know how to initiate conversations). I thought that perhaps blogging might be a way for me to get out what's in my heart and see how others might respond to it. Actually, my wife suggested it to me after hearing me bemoan my uselessness in the kingdom. So here I am taking my first look at the whole blogging thing. I take your post to be a sign of hope that maybe, just maybe this is the right way to go. Thanks.

Inspiration Austin said...

Norton, this is my first venture into blogging as well. I went to a Christian University...but never became a preacher...but I still have very stong feelings that come up...and want to be let out!!!... I took this on as my ministry. If it has helped you, even you ALONE, to do more to express your faith. It is all worth it! Thanks for your feedback!