Monday, April 1, 2013

Perfection in Imperfection

I have developed my own theory of what a good person is

"The person who is constantly striving to be a better person, and improve upon himself, is truly a Good Person.  The prison inmate who has a life that was bent against him feels beat down, defeated by circumstance. But, should he decide to improve upon himself, and never give up trying---not to appease the parole board or authority, but genuine improvement in his heart...even this is a Good Person.  It doesn't matter where our journey begins...but in which direction it is heading---that is most important"

Most of us have not had to fall into this lowest rock-bottom, which is fortunate for our position; however, it fills us with a false sense of "contentment" causing stagnation in our folly.  But, I urge you to continue self-exploration.  Look deep inward, and find your area that needs improvement.  Only you can change yourself. Some people might say "Only God can make those changes", while it is true that God creates change in our heart. It begins with us creating fertile soil, for the seed of change to germinate and grow.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, and have a blessed year ahead.


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