Monday, June 21, 2010

Inspiration at the Gas Pump

I'm sure that you never thought I would be inspired by a gas pump...indeed, the digital screen was sending me a message.  The screen was small and would only display a few lines of text.  The first screen said:
The best way to start...

The second screen went by so quickly, I didn't see it the first time... it said

your day, oh thank...

and the third screen said, simply.....heaven.

Now, of course, I understand this is a 7-Eleven slogan, "The best way to start your day, oh thank heaven." which is a good message all by itself.  But, now, imagine you missed the second screen like I did...
"The best way to start your day...Heaven" and the message becomes even more simple...and clear

This was a gas pump reminder to me: "have I been praying every morning?", "have I been grateful for the things I have?"

....just some thoughts to ponder...from a gas pump!