Sunday, December 26, 2010

Finding The Life Preserver during the Holidays

I often feel like I'm pulled in a hundred different directions during the Holidays.  Between the needs of family, friends, and work; there is the added stress of shopping, driving, and trying to make other people happy.  There is great JOY to be found in making someone else smile: whether it is through receiving a gift, playing games with family, or simply sharing special moments.  But there is also the people-pleaser that needs to go to this party, or that if to make an appearance equates to love and care.  There is no avoiding the fact that other people judge us for attending, not attending, and our level of happiness over the Holidays.  Where am I going with this?---stay with me...
Being financially burdened this Holiday season has made me realize  those judgements were just in my head.  I have an imagination that thinks other people judge my gifts, my attendance at a party, my attitude...and anything else...and this imagination always has a negative judgement.  But this year felt different.  I had few gifts to give, and they were simple.  But everyone understood my situation, made me feel welcome and loved, and gave back a gift to me through the realization:  People are not superficial.  The season really IS about LOVE.  Everyone seems to want a genuine connection.  Seeing the good in people and situations has really made a difference in my attitude towards life.  My life preserver for the Holidays: A positive outlook!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The wind blows and the spirit moves

Have you ever prayed for opportunities?  Sometimes it helps to have a symbolic image to think about as we contemplate our prayer life and the answers we are seeking.  Imagine how the wind blows: we can't stop it with our hands when we stand outside...we can ignore it, but that doesn't make it go away.  When we pray for an opportunity: the spirit of life continues to blow around us.  Are we ignoring the spirit, or are we looking-watching-and paying attention.  The draft of the spirit is always swirling around us like a wind of opportunity.

Peace and Love to you all!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Inspiration at the Gas Pump

I'm sure that you never thought I would be inspired by a gas pump...indeed, the digital screen was sending me a message.  The screen was small and would only display a few lines of text.  The first screen said:
The best way to start...

The second screen went by so quickly, I didn't see it the first time... it said

your day, oh thank...

and the third screen said, simply.....heaven.

Now, of course, I understand this is a 7-Eleven slogan, "The best way to start your day, oh thank heaven." which is a good message all by itself.  But, now, imagine you missed the second screen like I did...
"The best way to start your day...Heaven" and the message becomes even more simple...and clear

This was a gas pump reminder to me: "have I been praying every morning?", "have I been grateful for the things I have?"

....just some thoughts to ponder...from a gas pump!

Monday, May 10, 2010

God is with us always

God's beauty is all around us.  In all that is green, in all that is bright and wonderful, even the sky, and the water; God is there.  God is in the quiet spaces, the dark corners, the drab colors of a cloudy day; God is there.  In your house, in your heart, in your life; God is there.  Find the beauty in all things and you will have found the way to know that God is with you always.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Natural Bridge

This is the Natural Bridge, found in Central Texas...and the Natural Bridge Caverns.
Inspiration is often found in nature: God's inspiration for our Soul.
Consider this: how often have we felt that our life has become unmanageable, or adrift amongst chaos...and in our hearts we know that peace is just beyond; just on the other side...of what? The other side of the Bridge!  All we have to do is cross the bridge, without fear, anxiety falls away...and we can realize that we have taken a very short journey...but into a new place: the peace that passes understanding with a relationship with our higher power.  Don't be afraid.  Cross the bridge!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Learning to step out of our skin...

Have you stopped to consider that your body is NOT YOU?  Indeed, our bodies and our minds, are not what Identifies us.  If we identify with those things, we are limiting ourselves to looking like this or that; we are limiting ourselves to being this personality or that, when we feel depressed--we identify with it by saying "I'm depressed"; and when we feel happy...we identify with that.
Consider this:  When we are in a moment of inner reflection, we say things in our minds like "Did I do the right thing?  What was I feeling when I did that?  How is this going to affect other people I care about?"  These questions indicate to you that "THE OBSERVER" which is asking the questions---is not the "I" in your questions.  The "I" in these questions, is actually your Egoic mind (similar to Frued's theory).  The Observer asking these questions is actually the real YOU!!!  Think about asking those questions in a different way: "Did my mind do the right thing?  What was my body feeling When my Mind did that?  How is this going to affect other people that my Mind thinks are important and cares about?"  This simple exercise helps you step outside of your skin.  Do not find your identity in your mind, or objects around you, or your feelings: all of these are mere manifestations of the Egoic mind--and in many ways could be considered your Human Nature.  When you realize that YOU are not identified as your mind, or your can Transcend beyond your Human Nature.  YOU are a conscious entity; consciousness in raw form, with no body, no mind, no feelings.  Indeed you are BEING itself.
See if your mind can fit this image into your concept of a Higher Power, or God:
     What if God were the Dark Matter that exists within everything in the universe? Not just the space in the cosmos, but the space between the electrons of Atoms, the space between the protiens in DNA.  When we hear in Ancient writings that "God breathed life into us....and made US in HIS image..." What if that means that a little tiny part of him (the empty space which is pure consciousness) is what was put inside of us...Is the part that is actually our Identity.  This does not mean we are God.  God gave this bit of Consciousness as US.  Some people call it our Soul.  Some people call it the God within us.  Some say it is the God matter that IS US.  In this matter: we are created in Gods likeness: and it truly doesn't matter if God was man or woman or none of the above: God is Consciousness....and if we are truly created in that image: we are Consciousness.  After this life, Consciousness does not cease to exist; therefore "fear of death" is a mute subject.  Our Consciousness rejoins with the SOURCE of Conciousness: it rejoins with GOD (the Higher Power of Existence).  This is just an idea, a way of thinking, which requires your mind: which God gave us as a tool.
     So you may be wondering: My mind had believed all the stories of the Bible, or the Quran, how do I reconcile this concept of Being with afterlife?: what about Satan, or Hell?  I have no answers for you there, I am searching for those concepts myself.  If God is able to put a bit of consciousness inside of these body vessels, I'm certain that God has the ability to force that consciousness separated after death: a separation from God is what Hell would be like...indeed; perhaps a separation from Global Consciousness (God) is Hell.  Perhaps the visual pictures we are given in the ancient texts, are to help our MINDS grasp the idea during the time we are not aware that Consciousness is our identity.

Friday, February 19, 2010

What we pay attention to will grow...

From the Book: The Book Of Secrets, by Deepak Chopra:
Whatever we pay attention to will grow: this has a two-fold meaning. On a superficial level, lets look at a garden: one section has cucumbers and peppers planted, another has ragweed and dandelions. We will call these the good garden and the ugly garden. If we neglect the good garden and water the ugly garden, eventually it will overtake the good garden, and the ragweed and dandelions will spread to cover everything. If we Water the good garden and gently weed the ugly garden at the edge of the good...we will get a good crop from the good garden and the ugly garden will be kept at bay.
In our lives, if we pay attention to healthy living, spiritually and physically...spend time doing good deeds, and thinking healthy thoughts, and also spend time praying about our shortcomings and working to improve and remove obstacles (both internal and external)---The garden of our soul, bearing healthy fruit, will flourish and grow, and the ugliness of pain, suffering, and temptation will be kept at bay.
Pay attention to the good things. This does not mean ignore the bad still have to "pull the weeds" and work on improvements. But, if we obsess about our Anger, Guilt, Regret, etc... it will grow, especially if that obsession is fueling the fire, instead of concentration on putting the fire out.
Today's Blog is in very simple terms, perhaps a little choppy...but you get the point. Pour your energy into healthy living (spiritually and physically) and strive to do this in every waking moment.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love Never Fails

What if we were to think of actually being LOVE itself. We strive to be better, some of us even strive to be like Christ. We are told that God is Love, so only He can be perfect...but nothing can stop us from striving to be LOVE in the world. Don't you want to be described like this...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Modern Prayer

I thought today I would blog a modern prayer, based on what most of us call: The prayer that Jesus taught us.

Dear God who surrounds us, we cherish you and creation...may your gatherings grow as your will is lived and breathed throughout the Universe. Please feed our souls and our bodies. Forgive us for what we do wrong, and help us learn to forgive ourselves and those who do wrong to us and others. Help us to stay away from temptations, and be strong when we must be subjected to them. We lift up your essence as powerful, with glory and honor, forever and ever, Amen.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

My thoughts this week were contemplating the need to clean...not necessarily doing it, mind you, but feeling the NEED to clean. I have heard others talk about incessant cleaning with an obsession. Is this a bad thing?
For a moment, I would like to reflect upon B.F. Skinner and behavioral psychology...with a what if, statement:
What if the external cleaning of our environment was an expression of our desire to be clean on the inside? and conversely...what if our messy living space is reflecting the "chaos" of our life?
These are not always the case. So, don't look at your messy desk and assume that your life must be in chaos and need fixing. But open your eyes, and perhaps you will see: that which actually needs cleaning. If it is your life that needs some attention: do yourself a favor and pay attention to that aspect of your life TODAY...And, tomorrow you may find that the external mess around you begins to dissipate over time. In this way, there is some truth to "Cleanliness is next to godliness"...clean on the inside, and it will become much more natural to stay clean on the outside.
At least I hope house is a mess! hahaha
Dear God: help me this day to keep clean on the inside, so it might be a little easier to stay clean on the outside without an unhealthy obsession. Amen

Monday, January 25, 2010

Back to the Basics: What do we believe, and why?

Imagine---the song by John Lennon, "Imagine there's no hell below us....above us only sky.." For many people, this is very easy, because it is how they live their life.  When we are thinking about Faith, and a Higher Power, and the concept of truly have our OWN understanding that we can claim as our own...we must start from scratch.  Those of us who have beliefs, must empty our vessel: it is said "how can we fill a vessel with new life and new living water, when the vessel is already full?"...So use John Lennon's lyrics, and Imagine a clean slate, that in your own mind there is no heaven, and there is no afterlife, no one greater than yourself..."  Please continue reading...
With this feeling that you are an island, you may begin to realize that everything is futile.  Everything becomes a means to an END, because your life will END, and there is nothing after...but you begin to notice nature around you. You begin to experience love and compassion from others; a smile from a child.  As christmas comes around, you feel good inside when you give a gift to your friend.  You start to feel uplifted and like life is a little better when you help someone in need.  These observations slowly start to make your conscious thoughts aware that there is something deeper than the superficial.  Below the flesh and bone, deep inside--behind the curtain of our constant thoughts---and at the same time, it can be "seen" everywhere.  What is this "fuzzy" feeling? is it that this unkown phenomenon can be experienced in nature, with other people, when we read, when we think, when we give to others?
Combine these questions and experiences with the dark side of the moon: we question the pain we feel, the heartaches, the struggle, financial difficulties, lonliness, depression...trying to find an answer that is beyond ourself: We seek endless answers in the world around us.  A child with autism calls this search "Sensory Stimulation"....but for us Sensory Stimulation (in this child like search for faith in our imagination as you read this)...has meant looking at people, places and things as a way to find meaning in something beyond ourselves.  But it resulted in feelings of emptiness and despair.  Then, one day, we hear someone mention God, a higher power, Jesus, the Great Comfortor...and we well into our adulthood, after many mistakes, that the concept of the Being that is Greater than ourselves, bringing comfort... is the force behind all those feelings of goodness....the magical and mysterious force behind nature...and the wonderous instigator behind the child's smile which miraculously warms our heart and makes us feel better for no apparent reason.
This spark of understanding is also the beginning of consciousness, a spirit world, and undertow of TRUTH that is beneath the flesh and bone, beneath our conscious thought, and permeates our inner most being....and our outermost world.
And, at last, we start to BELIEVE.
If you already have a faith of your own...I hope this helps you understand what it might be like for a non-believer to go through life, and be the VISITOR in your worship gatherings...looking for answers.
If this describes who YOU are and have been....the seeker, endless searching for answers in the wrong places, getting burned, time and time again.  I hope you find peace in knowing that if you keep seeking, you will find answers...and indeed, you will be comforted by THE GREAT COMFORTER!!!

Peace and Love
Anonymous comments accepted, along with reactionary checks, and emails, if you click on the profile link to the lower right, and email the author.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Update on: Following Blogs on or

After an extensive search: There are several ways that you can follow this blog.

  1. Look to the right column and find "Subscribe to....POSTS" will provide a drop down list with the options of following using these services: Google toolbar/Google account (includes Gmail), Bloglines, Netvibes, NewsGator, and MyYahoo.  You must already be subscribed to one of the these clicking on it, you will be asked to log-in to your account, and the Post Feed will be added to your account.
  2. Using "ATOM" at the bottom of the list, an RSS feed is possible, although I currently can't give you instructions for that feature.
  3. Send me an email to and I will add you to my email blast announcing post publications (sometimes daily, sometimes weekly...and I don't update the list often, so if you add yourself, it might be difficult to get removed)
  4. Create a shortcut to this page, place it on your once a day to see the most recent post (this is the most painless, and least technologically advanced way)

If you have more information about this...please leave it in a comment, or send an email to me.
Thank you for visiting this site...if you find it helpful... send the link others!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

What we do... and how it is percieved by others.

As believers, we are constantly bombarded with the concept of Faith verses Works.  In today's world, as well as yesterday's, BOTH faith and works are important.  Have faith, and DO works.  When we do good works, and live a faithful life, people around us SEE what we are doing.  This is a blessing and can be a warning... people see what we do, but they make their own interpretations about WHY we do it.
It can be easy to overthink how your motives will be percieved.  As a rule of thumb, remember, never expect anything in return...and what you have done will be seen as "good works."

Comments and Reactions are welcome.. and the new system allows comments from ALL readers, not only those with an account.

Peace and Love.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Love one another...

Youth Friendly

Did you know the easiest way to show God to your friend, is to be nice, kind, and loving to them?  Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves.  This simple idea helps us to not be selfish...helps us to not hurt other people...and helps us to do the right thing.  God loves you! God wants you to love yourself and others!.. and remember the order: God, others, then self.

Pray today that God will help you see opportunities that you can show love to another person.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Avatar : James Cameron's Pandora as spiritual inspiration for Humans

Lets all start this year by looking for ways to recognize that our neighbor (the person next to you in line, or in the car cutting you off), is another piece of this global consciousness, and we are part of ONE existence: bringing truth to the statement "treat others as you would like to be treated".  In many ways...when we are interacting with someone else; it is really just an outward manifestation of a part of ourselves..."the global consciousness...of humans, nature, and God"